code hosting tool

I am looking for a tool to build out a site to host my code projects. None of these projects are large enough to warrant anything like the features provided by SourceForge. I don’t think my requirements are very strict, but I haven’t been able to find anything to do what I want (sort of a sourceforge-lite):

  • I must be able to host the projects under a domain I control myself. One domain for all projects is preferable since I don’t want to have to edit my apache config every time I think of a new project.
  • I do not care to expose my svn repository to the world, since it contains plenty of stuff besides the projects that I do want to release. Releasing source as tarballs or apps as disk images is good enough for me.
  • Each project needs a home page with a summary and links to releases and release notes.
  • Adding new releases should be easy. I will upload the release file via ftp or scp, but I want to be able to add the reference to the release file without editing a bunch of HTML each time.
  • A blog is a nice-to-have, but I already have this blog, so it isn’t a requirement.
  • I don’t need an issue tracker, forum or mailing list manager. I may maintain an email address for support of all of the projects, or I might use a google group.

I thought about Zope for a few minutes, but just don’t want to go back in that direction. I used to use Zope quite a bit. I haven’t in a long while, and the zen has left me, I’m afraid. Somehow the relational model is more persistent in my grey matter. Plus, I’m still not over my plone upgrade fiasco from a few years ago, which is why I don’t have much of a site up anymore. I finally gave up trying to make the site work, pulled the content out to preserve it, and just threw up a redirect to the photo gallery.

I looked at drupal. It has some nice features, but I don’t like the default appearance and I’m not that interested in learning another templating language so I can improve it. WordPress has most of the features I want, though I would have to edit release pages myself. Again, though, they have a whole template language that seems like more than I want to deal with for extensions. Maybe if I was already PHP-enabled these would seem like stronger contenders.

I was hoping to find something built using django (or at least parts I could assemble myself), since I am already trying to extend my skills in that direction. It looks like the django-way to do most everything is to build your own, though, so I suppose that is what I’ll end up doing. I should be able to lean heavily on the admin UI for most of my editing, so I would just need templates for presenting the results. That’s not too bad.