About Me
I am a software developer with a wide range of experience in application areas and types. I am serious about creating designs that meet requirements, are flexible, and can be maintained for long product lifetimes.
I have been programming in Python since version 1.4, and have worked on a variety of Unix and non-Unix platforms for projects in fields such as mapping, medical news publishing, banking, and data center automation.
I am a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, and served as its Communications Director from 2010-2012. After a year as a regular columnist for Python Magazine, I served as Editor-in-Chief from 2008-2009. Between 2007 and 2011, I published the popular Python Module of the Week series of articles, and that material served as the basis for my book The Python 3 Standard Library By Example.
I started contributing to OpenStack in 2012, just before the Folsom summit. I was a core reviewer and one of the founding members of the Ceilometer project, and a core reviewer for the Oslo, requirements, and unified command line interface projects. I was the PTL for the Oslo project for the Icehouse, Juno, and Kilo release cycles. I was the PTL for the Release Management team, and helped build the tools to allow self-service releases. I served several year long terms as an elected member of the OpenStack Technical Committee, including one 6 month term as chair, before stepping down in 2018.
In 2019, I started working on Red Hat’s kubernetes distribution, OpenShift. As part of that work, I helped to launch the metal3 project, combining OpenStack Ironic and Kubernetes controllers based on the cluster API to automatically provision Kubernetes clusters on bare metal servers. I later formed the Staff Engineer group in the OpenShift team to provide technical leadership.
Contact me at doug at this domain.