yasfb 0.7.0

What’s new in 0.7.0? Fix TypeError in python3 (contributed by Masayuki Igawa)

http.cookies — HTTP Cookies — PyMOTW 3

The http.cookies module implements a parser for cookies that is mostly RFC 2109 compliant. The implementation is a little less strict than the standard because MSIE 3.0x does not support the entire standard. Read more… This post is part of the Python Module of the Week series for Python 3. See PyMOTW.com for more articles from the series.

urllib.request — Network Resource Access — PyMOTW 3

The urllib.request module provides an API for using Internet resources identified by URLs. It is designed to be extended by individual applications to support new protocols or add variations to existing protocols (such as handling HTTP basic authentication). Read more… This post is part of the Python Module of the Week series for Python 3. See PyMOTW.com for more articles from the series.

io — Text, Binary, and Raw Stream I/O Tools — PyMOTW 3

The io module provides access to the built-in open() function and the classes used to implement file-based input and output operations. The classes are decomposed in such a way that they can be recombined for alternate purposes, for example to enable writing Unicode data to a network socket. Read more… This post is part of the Python Module of the Week series for Python 3. See PyMOTW.com for more articles from the series.

sphinxcontrib-paverutils 1.17.0

thumbnail imageWhat’s new in 1.17.0? update to sphinx 1.7.1 process files with cog in order compatibility with sphinx pr #3668 (contributed by Brad Miller)

importlib — Python’s Import Mechanism — PyMOTW 3

The importlib module includes functions that the underlying implementation of Python’s import mechanism for loading code in packages and modules, all implemented in Python. It is one access point to importing modules dynamically, and useful in some cases where the name of the module that needs to be imported is unknown when the code is written (for example, for plugins or extensions to an application). Read more… This post is part of the Python Module of the Week series for Python 3.

demoshell 0.1.0

What’s new? This is the first public release of demoshell, a new program inspired by a tweet (and my own personal annoyance). h/t to @vmbrasseur for retweeting @genehack.

http.server — Base Classes for Implementing Web Servers — PyMOTW 3

http.server uses classes from socketserver to create base classes for making HTTP servers. HTTPServer can be used directly, but the BaseHTTPRequestHandler is intended to be extended to handle each protocol method (GET, POST, etc.). Read more… This post is part of the Python Module of the Week series for Python 3. See PyMOTW.com for more articles from the series.