sphinxcontrib-spelling 1.3

thumbnail imageWhat’s New in 1.3? This update changes the output format to include the document name with each misspelled word. It also fixes a bug processing some edge cases in the input parse tree.

Astronomy Picture of the Day 3.4

What’s New in this Release? This version fixes a problem with APOD pages that link to multiple images so that only images on the APOD website are downloaded.

Python Atlanta Meeting Jan. 12

PyATL, the Python user group in Atlanta, Georgia, will have its first meeting of the year on Thursday, January 12, 2012. The meeting starts at 7:30 PM, but some of us gather for an informal dinner early between 6:00 and 6:30 PM. Agenda The agenda for this month includes several short presentations from our members: “Using the os library to manage files under Windows XP” from William Soukup “Phone Site (http://fon.

virtualenvwrapper 2.11.1

What’s New in 2.11.1 Fixes a bug with tab completion in sub-shell environments such as screen and tmux introduced in 2.11.

New Year’s Python Meme

What is the coolest Python application, framework, or library you have discovered in 2011? We use PyFilesystem to access WebDAV and S3 storage as though it was part of the local file system. What new programming technique did you learn in 2011? It’s not a technique, per se, but I learned a lot about the internals of Sphinx while preparing the manuscript for my book. I will be summarizing what I learned in a presentation at PyCon 2012.

virtualenvwrapper 2.11

What’s New in 2.11 Add -a option to mkvirtualenv to associate a new virtualenv with an existing project directory. Contributed by Mike Fogel. Drops support for Python 2.4 and 2.5. The tools may still work, but I no longer have a development environment set up for testing them, so I do not officially support them. Shortcut initialization if it has run before. Set hook log file permissions to be group-writable.

Book Review: Pro Git

We are considering moving off of Subversion for version control and so I have been investigating more modern DVCS tools such as Mercurial and git. I use Mercurial for all of my personal projects, and feel fairly comfortable with its basic work-flow. I wanted to pick up a book on git, and the number one recommendation when I asked on Twitter was Pro Git by Scott Chacon. Quick Review Inspired by Gene Ambaum and Bill Barnes’ review short-cuts, here’s my review for the impatient reader:

How I Review a PyCon Talk Proposal

As the submission period for PyCon 2012 comes to a close and we transition to reviewing the proposals from potential speakers, I thought I would talk about the criteria I use for evaluating the submissions. I am only one member of the Program Committee, and others may use different criteria, so please take that into account while reading this article. I approach conference talk proposals in much the same way that I approached submissions for Python Magazine.