virtualenvwrapper 2.10.1

What’s New in 2.10.1 This bug-fix release includes a change to mktmpenv to resolve a problem with the way command line arguments were being handled. All temporary environments are now given automatically-generated names and the ability to name a temporary environment has been removed.

Choose Your Own (PyCon) Adventure

PyCon is a “community driven” conference. That means we depend on members of the Python community to organize all aspects of the event, from site selection to menu planning. It also means we depend on community members to provide the content for all of the presentations, posters, and tutorials. There’s no corporate marketing agenda or “pay-for-play” system for arranging for speakers. Instead, the program committee finds volunteers to talk about interesting work they are doing and provide training on topics of interest to the community.

virtualenvwrapper 2.10

What’s New in 2.10 Incorporated patch to add -d option to add2virtualenv, contributed by miracle2k. Add -i option to mkvirtualenv. Add mktmpenv command for creating temporary environments that are automatically removed when they are deactivated. Fixed a problem with hook_loader that prevented it from working under Python 2.5 and 2.4. Fix a problem with the way template names were processed under zsh. (issue #111) Upgrading to 2.10 Version 2.

virtualenvwrapper 2.9

What’s New in 2.9 This release merges in the project directory management features previously delivered separately as virtualenvwrapper.project. The new command mkproject creates a working directory associated with a virtualenv, and can apply templates to populate the directory (for example, to create a new Django site). This release also adds a -r option to mkvirtualenv to specify a pip requirements file for packages that should be installed into the new environment after is is created.

virtualenvwrapper-bitbucket 1.2

What’s New in 1.2? This release shifts from requiring virtualenvwrapper.project to using the new version of virtualenvwrapper that includes the project management features.

virtualenvwrapper-django 0.2

What’s New in 0.2? This release shifts from requiring virtualenvwrapper.project to using the new version of virtualenvwrapper that includes the project management features.

Astronomy Picture of the Day 3.3

What’s New in this Release? This version fixes a problem with APOD pages that link to multiple images so that only the main image on the page is downloaded.

sphinxcontrib-spelling 1.2

thumbnail imageWhat’s New in 1.2? This update checks the spelling of document titles and section headers as well as the body of the document. It also fixes a packaging issue that prevented the tests from working when run directly from the sdist available on PyPI.

virtualenvwrapper 2.8

What’s New in 2.8 This release includes a fix to make cpvirtualenv use the copy of virtualenv specified by the VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV variable. It also adds support for running the wrapper commands under the MSYS environment on Microsoft Windows systems (contributed by noirbizarre).

Book Review: Python Testing Cookbook

I received a review copy of Python Testing Cookbook by Greg Turnquist late last week. The timing was perfect, since we have been talking a lot about increasing the amount of automation we use in our testing at work. I scanned through the book quickly to get a sense for whether I should give it to our QA team, and I liked what I found. Quick Review My review for the impatient reader: