sphinxcontrib-datatemplates 0.5.0

thumbnail imageWhat’s new in 0.5.0? Add domain for Python Modules (contributed by Jan Brohl) Use default template manager when the builder does not have one (contributed by Toni Ruza) Support parallel builds (contributed by Toni Ruza) Add option to load multiple documents from yaml (contributed by Jan Brohl) Restore Python3.6 compat (contributed by Jan Brohl) Add support for DBM formats (contributed by Jan Brohl) Improve documentation

New PyMOTW site logo

Last week Nils-Hero Lindemann contacted me with some icons to spruce up the PyMOTW site. I love the look and the thought that went into the design. The four squares symbolize the modules and the white square is the current module, the ‘module of the week’. Thanks, Nils-Hero! I am touched that you took the time not only to create the image files, but also to work out (and tell me) exactly what I need to do to add them to the HTML properly.

Dependencies between Python Standard Library modules

Glyph’s post about a “kernel python” from the 13th based on Amber’s presentation at PyCon made me start thinking about how minimal standard library could really be. Christian had previously started by nibbling around the edges, considering which modules are not frequently used, and could be removed. I started thinking about a more extreme change, of leaving in only enough code to successfully download and install other packages. The ensurepip module seemed like a necessary component for that, so I looked at its dependencies, with an eye to cutting everything else.

sphinxcontrib-spelling 4.3.0

thumbnail imageWhat’s new in 4.3.0? Logging: use warning() instead of its deprecated alias (contributed by Sergey Kolosov) Support additional contractions (contributed by David Baumgold) require sphinx >= 2.0.0 declare support for python 3.6

sphinxcontrib-datatemplates 0.4.0

thumbnail imageWhat’s new in 0.4.0? deprecate the datatemplate directive in favor of the directives in the domain Wrap directives in minimal domain (contributed by Jan Brohl) Add directive “datatemplate” for backwards compat (contributed by Jan Brohl) Split datatemplate directive by file type (contributed by Jan Brohl) Ignore venv, vscode settings (contributed by Jan Brohl) add option for encoding (contributed by Jan Brohl) Upgrade Note This release deprecates the “datatemplate” directive in favor of source-specific variants in the datatemplate domain.

sphinxcontrib-datatemplates 0.3.0

thumbnail imageWhat’s new in 0.3.0? Add dialect support, better dotumentation (contributed by Jan Brohl) Use yaml.safe_load (contributed by Jan Brohl) Add XML support (contributed by Jan Brohl) Add CSV support (contributed by Jan Brohl)

imapautofiler 1.8.0

thumbnail imageWhat’s new in 1.8.0? use yaml safe loader drop python 3.5 and add 3.7 support perform substring matches without regard to case

sphinxcontrib-datatemplates 0.2.0

thumbnail imageWhat’s new in 0.2.0? Use sphinx.util.logging for logging calls (contributed by Sean McGinnis) optionally exec the conf.py file and pass settings to the template make test-template support python 2 and 3 update to python 3.5 add license file Add links to repo and docs from README and docs frontpage (contributed by Christoph Deil) add a command line tool to make testing templates easier