linkscrubber 1.0

link_scrubber processes all of your bookmarks, looking for those that redirect. It adds a new bookmark with the target of the redirect and all the same metadata from the original link.

Project details 1.0 on PyPI

First Release!

With the [announcement that Google Reader is being shuttered](, I decided I needed to go through my bookmarks and update any that point to a URL while their redirecting service is still online. This script does that automatically.

linkscrubber processes all of your bookmarks, looking for those that redirect. It adds a new bookmark with the target of the redirect and all the same metadata from the original link. By default, only URLs from are processed, but there are command line options to process all redirects or to add more individual sites.

The links are processed in small batches to reduce the load of individual calls against the pinboard API server, so it can take a while to process. Once a batch of links is fetched, it is checked in parallel to speed things up a little.


See the README for details on installing and running.