sphinxcontrib-spelling 7.3.2

sphinxcontrib-spelling is a spelling checker for Sphinx. It uses PyEnchant to produce a report showing misspelled words.

Project details 7.3.2 on PyPI

What’s new in 7.3.2?

  • Treat __main__ as a special module name that cannot be imported. If the test suite is invoked by running python -m pytest instead of pytest then there will be no __main__ and find_spec() will fail, so this change makes the tests work in both modes.
  • Fix python filename handling in ImportableModuleFilter. If the word looks like a python module filename, strip the extension to avoid the side-effect of actually importing the module. This prevents, for example, 'setup.py' triggering an import of the setup module during a doc build, which makes it look like Sphinx is complaining about a commandline argument.